Inspire - Day 1

Here is what has been piquing my interest of late. Expect to see lovely galleries like this at least once per week!

Hand Lettering

Tomasz Biernat

One of my side hobbies is hand lettering. In studying this craft over the last five years, few artists have the high-quality execution of Biernat. Seriously. I’ve spent hours studying his methods. Take a look- if not for the inspiration, for the joy of art!

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Logo Design

Gert van Duinen

With an obvious emphasis on minimalism, Gert is a designer after my own heart. Bold shapes, inviting curvatures, and intriguing negative space are emblems of his brand.

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Concept Art

Peter Morbacher

Peter is an immensely talented artist with a flair for the epic. His works never cease to be imaginative as he pulls from bizarre mythology. Thoughtful, beautiful and sometimes terrifying, these paintings are well worth a second glance!

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Inspire - Day 2


The Picture Book