Design as Community
One of my favorite things about graphic design is the tremendous community of participants. If you are an individual who is humble, teachable, and passionate, there are endless resources available to you.
I’ve said before that I wouldn’t be where I am without Pinterest. You really can’t put a price on daily observation and education, and I’m grateful that it is a free resource. The benefit would be lost were it not for the people behind the boards, images and pages. Pinterest, Behance, Dribbble or otherwise, I’ve found that the best resource for any designer is the broader community of designers at large.
A bit of advice: Be a people-person!
If you are even considering doing graphic design this is an absolute must. For one thing, it is the fuel in your tank. Us creatives sometimes hold too dearly to our projects and need some objectivity. It truly isn’t what you know, but who you know. I cant tell you how many times a design has been saved by some friendly criticism. Welcome feedback, seek it out, build relationships. This is a key step to developing your trade.
What’s more, this is a service industry! The customer should become one of your highest priorities. This means forgoing discomfort and simply being a fellow human to them. I’ve encountered so many gruff and standoffish designers over the years. To be frank: what are they thinking?! Your whole business is built upon communication! Don’t be “run-of-the mill” when it comes to community, set yourself apart from everyone else! I really hope you love what you do, but if you don’t, please don’t punish everyone else! Clients are excited and hopeful when developing their brand. This means you have the opportunity to bring them not only a nice image, but a great customer experience also.
So all this to say, don’t just make it about you! At times it will feel like a solo endeavor, but there is a wonderful community of designers and prospective clients who matter more than the cash in their pocket or the influence they’ve accrued. Seek out ways to be valuable to others and you will find that reciprocated your way.
In the same way that countless designers have impacted me, I sincerely hope that I can be of assistance to you. I’m 100% an open book. However I can help you realize your dream, I’m here to help! If you need a design, some advice, or just want to talk, reach out today!
This week
I wanted to share some of the resources that have most helped me over the years. The following is a highlight, but certainly doesn’t encompass the community of designers, professionals, clients, and awesome individuals I described earlier. These links represent some incredible minds that don’t cease to provide inspiration to any aspiring human.
Casey Neistat is a brand icon in and of himself. His routine is insane and his productivity is something to be coveted. I’ve long been inspired by his drive to make something amazing and I someday hope to do something similar. What’s better though is what can be learned from his creative output and quality of work.
That’s a wrap!
Thanks for reading! This certainly wasn’t all of the resources I use, but a glorious few. I hope this post helped you and encouraged you wherever you’re at!